M.S. in Project Management

Project Management (M.S.)

Our STEM-designated master’s degree builds your technical, 领导, and business 技能 for career success as a project manager.

Project management is a dynamic and rapidly growing field, as more 和更多的 businesses, 政府, and 组织 of all sizes implement new, complex technologies and initiatives. 对训练有素的专业人员的需求继续显著增加,这些专业人员拥有成功管理这些项目所需的技能.

理学硕士 in Project Management 威尼斯人平台斯图尔特商学院为你在这个充满挑战和回报丰厚的领域启动和推进你的职业生涯做好准备.

我们的课程旨在涵盖领先的行业标准, 因此,你将发展一套综合技能,将技术和领导技能与战略和商业管理敏锐度相结合. 该计划为您申请项目管理协会(PMI)的全球认可认证做好准备。, 如项目管理认证助理(CAPM)和项目管理专业人员(PMP).

At Stuart you’ll learn the latest project management ideas, 技能, 来自行业经验丰富的教师的技术,他们以应用的方式教学,并将他们的职业知识和对市场的理解带入课堂. 你们将受益于课程创新的遗产,它无缝地连接了商业和技术, 在威尼斯人平台从事管理和商业教育超过125年.

Through 威尼斯人平台’s one-of-a-kind 提升 程序, 保证你在研究生期间获得实践经验, such as virtual and in-person internships, 实际项目, 和更多的. 您还将获得个性化的指导,指导您的学术研究和职业规划.

芝加哥是全球商业和金融中心,是美国经济最多样化的地区之一, 涵盖了从医疗保健到制造业到银行业等行业. 斯图尔特强大的行业联系为您提供了就业威尼斯人平台,并让您与斯图尔特校友和其他有成就的专业人士建立联系.

Convenience for Busy Professionals

  • Enroll full-time or part-time
  • 夜校在芝加哥市中心的联合车站和奥吉维交通中心附近

STEM-Designated Program

This is a STEM-designated 程序, 该项目的国际毕业生有资格申请延期 Optional Practical Training, 允许被选中的学生在毕业后在美国停留和工作最多三年.


M.S. 在项目管理计划准备你的职业生涯作为一个项目管理专业, 有了技能, 专业知识, 以及行业认证,以进入关键的管理角色,这对推动变革至关重要, increasing productivity, and delivering innovation at all types of businesses, 组织, and government entities.


世界各地对项目管理专业人员的需求正在迅速增加, 根据… study released by the Project Management Institute. 项目管理是跨行业实施新技术的关键, 在软件开发等行业,项目经理的就业增长最快, 卫生保健, 制造业, 信息服务, 金融, 和保险.

In the United States, the U.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的报告显示,美国人的平均年薪为98,580美元 project management specialists 从2022年到2032年,项目管理方面的就业将增长6%.

Stuart faculty developed the M.S. 在项目管理课程与项目的咨询委员会合作, who are practitioners, Project Management Institute affiliates, 以及主要雇主. 该计划的课程侧重于掌握PMI概述的理想技能, which includes high-level 技能 in technical project management, 领导, and strategic and business management. 选修课程允许你根据自己的兴趣和职业目标定制学位.

  • 全日制学生 每学期要修三到四门课程,并在三个学期内完成学位.
  • 兼职学生 can enroll for as few as one course per semester.
  • 的 程序 schedule has options for students to accelerate their studies. For example, full-time students may be eligible to graduate in 12 months 他们在秋季或春季开始学习,在夏季上课.

This 程序 requires successful completion of at least 30学时 (10课程).

的se courses are required. Three credit hours per course (21 credit hours total)
PM 501—Project Management Essentials
PM 502—Project Scope, Quality, and Risk Management
PM 503—Project Schedule and Cost Management
PM 505—Project Finance and Procurement
PM 506—Agile Strategies and Practices
PM 507—Project Management Capstone
PM 508—High Impact Power Skills

Choose any three courses. Three credit hours per course (9 credit hours total)
ITMM 571—Project Management for Information Technology Management
ITMM 574—Information Technology Management Frameworks
ITMM 587产品管理
ITMM 537—Vendor Management and Service Level Agreements
itm 578—Cyber Security Management
MAX 502—Analytics for Decision Making
MAX 507—Visual Analytics—Data Analytics and Visualization
532年工商管理硕士—Artificial Intelligence
523年工商管理硕士—Negotiations and Strategic Decision Making

  • Completed online application
  • 正式成绩单提交,最低累积本科平均成绩为3分.0对4.0规模
  • No GMAT or GRE scores required
  • Experience is desirable, but not essential
  • English proficiency exam, if required
Claire Johnson, Stuart School of 业务

有问题? 与我们联系

有关斯图尔特商学院学位课程或申请和注册流程的任何问题, contact our Director of Student Recruitment 克莱尔·约翰逊.


Domestic students pursuing the M.S. 有资格申请芝加哥人才管道奖学金, 哪些项目支持有动力的个人发展他们作为项目管理专业人员的职业道路. In academic year 2023–24, this scholarship awards 最高14000美元 每度.

International students pursuing the M.S. 获得项目管理学位者有资格申请斯图尔特商学院院长奖学金, which in academic year 2023–24 awards 最高14000美元 for the full two-year 程序.

Read more about Stuart scholarship opportunities and tuition and fees:

斯图尔特奖学金   学费和杂费

Earn Globally Recognized Certifications

M.S. 项目管理硕士课程为您申请项目管理协会全球认可的认证做好准备. PMI认证证明您有能力为任何组织和任何行业领导项目.

  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) -专为具有三年或以下经验的专业人员设计, CAPM将你作为项目经理的技能区分开来,是你职业发展道路上至关重要的垫脚石.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) -这一认可表明你是一名经验丰富的项目管理专业人士,具有教育背景,并展示了领导和使用预测的技能, 敏捷, and hybrid approaches to determine the best methods for each project.



Stuart is AACSB Accredited. Only 6% of 业务 Schools Globally Are.

—Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of 业务 International


Career Placement Rate

—Stuart School of 业务 2022 master’s and Ph.D. 毕业生报道

Chicago Skyline Ariel View 280x150

Only 业务 School in a Tech-Focused University in Chicago


Industry Associate Professor of Public Administration
副院长 导演,米aster of Public Administration 导演,米.S. in Sustainability Analytics and Management 导演,米.S. in Project Management Professor of Public Administration
Adjunct Industry Professor
Mangaiah Chowdary Garikapati
Adjunct Industry Assistant Professor
Elizabeth Durango Cohen
Associate Professor of Operations Management M. Zia Hassan Endowed Professor Assistant 导演,米.S. in Marketing Analytics Director, Center for Advancing Corporate Performance
副院长 导演,米anagement Science Programs and Faculty Review 哈罗德·L. Stuart Endowed Chair in 业务 Professor of Marketing

Move Your Career Forward


斯图尔特的职业管理中心提供个性化的职业咨询, resources for job and internship search, and opportunities to network with industry professionals.