安德鲁J. 霍华德

  • Associate 教授essor of 生物学 and 物理


B.S. 波莫纳学院(1975)
Ph.D. 物理, University of California, San Diego (1981)


教授. 霍华德 is the author of the widely-used X-GEN software package for processing macromolecular diffraction data, and continues to develop crystallographic software. He participates in methods development for crystallography at the beamlines of Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (SER-CAT) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. His lab undertakes structural studies of cholera toxin, 透明颤菌血红蛋白, 肌营养不良蛋白, 和其他蛋白质.

教授. 霍华德's research includes:

  1. Crystallographic software development at SER-CAT Robotics and data management tools for crystallography
  2. Development of massive data archives for crystallographic data images.
  3. 表达式, 净化, and structure determination on cholera toxin complexes, bacterial hemoglobin mutants, constructs derived from human 肌营养不良蛋白, 和其他蛋白质.
  4. Crystallographic educational projects.


教授. 霍华德's accomplishments include:

  1. 100的发展,000-line data processing software package used worldwide for macromolecular diffraction.
  2. Management and leadership in building a two-beamline facility for pharmaceutical crystallography from 1996-2002.
  3. Co-PI on a productive structural genomics project, 1997-2009.
  4. 导演, American Crystallographic Association's Summer School in Macromolecular Crystallography, 2002-2008.
  5. Co-导演 of IIT's Masters in Health 物理 program, 2001-2011.

教授essional Affiliations & 会员资格

  • American Crystallographic Association
  • American Chemical Society

  • Elected member, Data Standards & Computing 通讯ittee of the American Crystallographic Association (current)
  • Founding chair, Advanced Photon Source CAT 导演s' Council (1997-1999)
  • Chair, Gordon Conference on Diffraction Methods in Molecular 生物学, 2000


霍华德,. (2002) Macromolecular crystallography at third-generation synchrotron sources. Chapter for Third Generation Hard X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Sources: Source Properties, 光学, and Experimental Techniques. D.M. 米尔斯,艾德. 威利:406页.

霍华德,.J. (2000) Data processing in macromolecular crystallography. Chapter in: Crystallographic Computing 7: Proceedings from the Macromolecular Crystallographic Computing School, 1996. P.E. 伯恩和K.D. Watenpaugh, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

艾森斯坦,E.吉利兰,G.L.赫茨伯格,O.莫尔特,J.欧尔班,J.波尔亚克,R.J.班纳杰,L.理查森,D.霍华德,A.J. (2000) Biological function made crystal clear - annotation of hypothetical proteins via structural genomics. Current Opinions in Biotechnology 11: 25-30.

金,T.郭,F.金,年代.霍华德,A.,张,Y.-Z. (2007) X-ray crystal structure of TNF ligand family member TL1A at 2.1 Å. 物化学. Biophys. Res. 通讯. 364: 1-6.

金,年代.-K.,雷迪,S.K.尼尔森,B.C.瓦斯奎兹,G.B.戴维斯,A.霍华德,A.J.帕特森,S。.吉利兰,G.L.J.E.和雷迪,P.T. (2006) 物化学ical and Structural Characterization of the Secreted Chorismate Mutase (Rv1885c) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv: an *AroQ Enzyme Not Regulated by the Aromatic Amino Acids J. Bacteriol. 188: 8638-8648.


  • Development of X-GEN, a crystallographic data processing software package
  • Optimization of a 透明颤菌血红蛋白 protein-expression plasmid (Park et al (2003), 质粒50:169)
  • Structural studies of spin states in Pseudomonas cytochrome C peroxidase
  • Structural studies of cholera toxin in complex with human ARF-6 protein
  • Structural genomics studies of proteins from Haemophilus
  • Structural genomics studies of multiple-splice variants
  • Beamline software development at Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team
  • Development of an independent, Python-based crystallographic data processing software system
  • Optimizations of crystallographic data collection strategies under conditions of rapid sample decay
  • Providing user support at SER-CAT
  • 表达式 and 净化 of Vibrio cholerae toxin A subunit in complex with the human proteins ARF-6 and ARF-1


  • SER-CAT software development and user support (University of Georgia), 2002-present
  • NIH subcontract through University of Maryland for structural genomics, 1997-2008
  • IMCA-CAT contract: 导演 and PI, 1996-2002; Chief Scientific Officer, 2002-2004


  • Judge for annual Junior Science & Humanities Symposium, 1999-present
  • Frequent judge for high-school science fairs
  • Mentor for K-12 science teachers, 1999, 2003, 2008-present
  • NIH Small Business Grant special study section member, 1992-present


  • Macromolecular crystallography, particularly methods development
  • Protein expression and 净化