J. Robert Selman

  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus


Ph.D. from Univ. of Calif. Berkeley (1971)
M.S. from Univ. of Wisconsin (1961)
B.S. from Delft Tech. Univ., Netherlands (chem. tech., 1961)

Research Interests

Lithium ion battery design and thermal management

High temperature fuel cell (MCFC, SOFC) electrode and cell design

Professional Affiliations & Memberships


2001 - University Distinguished Professor title by Board of Trustees

2001 - Energy Technology Division Research Award, Electrochemical Society

2000 - NICHe Guest Professorship Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan


J.R. Selman, “Poison Tolerant Fuel Cells” (Invited Perspective), Science , Nov. 2, 2009, p.52-53

R. Kizilel, R. Sabbah, J.R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “An alternative cooling system to enhance the safety of Li-ion battery packs”, J. Power Sources 194 (2009) 1105-1112

Kizilel, A. Lateef, R. Sabbah, M.M. Farid, J.R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “Passive control of temperature excursion and uniformity in high-energy Li-ion battery packs at high current and ambient temperature”, J. Power Sources 183 (2008) 370-375

R. Sabbah, R. Kizilel, J.R. Selman and S. Al-Hallaj, “Active (air-cooled) vs, passive (PCM) thermal management of high-power Li-ion packs: limitation of temperature rise and uniformity of temperature distribution”, J. Power Sources, 182 (2008), 630-638

J. Robert Selman, “Molten salts fuel cells – technical and economic challenges” , J. Power Sources 2006.04.126 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.04.126

A. Mills, M. Farid, J. R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “Thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials using a graphite matrix”, J. Appl. Thermal Eng., 26 (2006), 1652-1661

S. Al-Hallaj, S. Parekh, M.M. Farid and J.R Selman, “Solar desalination with humidification-dehumidification cycle. Review of economics”, Desalination, 195 (2006) 168-186

S.A. Khateeb, M.M. Farid, J. R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “Mechanical electrochemical modeling of Li-ion battery designed for an electric scooter”, J. Power Sources, 158(2006), 673-678

H. Nomura, S. Parekh, J. R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “Fabrication of YSZ electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell using electrostatic spray deposition (ESD): Part II. – Cell Performance”, J. Appl. Electrochem. 35 (2005), 1121-1126

K. Nishikawa, Y. Fukunaka, T. Sakka, Y.H. Ogata, and J. R. Selman, “Ionic mass transfer during electrochemical dissolution of Li metal in PC electrolyte solution”, J. Electroanal. Chem. 584 (2005) 63-69

K.L. Huang, T.M. Holsen, J.R. Selman, and T.C. Chou, “The electrochemical characteristics of air fuel cell electrodes used in an electrolytic system for spent chromium plating solution regeneration”, J. Power Sources 142 (2005) 243-252

H. Nomura, S. Parekh, J.R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “Fabrication of YSZ Electrolyte using Electrostatic Spray Deposition (ESD). Part I. A Comprehensive Parametric Study”, J. Appl. Electrochem. 35 (2005) 61-67

S.A. Khateeb, S. Amiruddin, M. Farid, J.R. Selman and S. Al-Hallaj, “Thermal management of Li-ion battery with phase change material for electric scooters: experimental validation”, J. Power Sources 142 (2005) 345-353

S.G. Hong and J.R. Selman, “A Stochastic Structure Model for Liquid-Electrolyte Fuel Cell Electrodes, with Special Application to MCFC. Part 2”, J. Electrochem. Soc.151(2004)A748-A755

S.G. Hong and J.R. Selman, “A Stochastic Structure Model for Liquid-Electrolyte Fuel Cell Electrodes, with Special Application to MCFC. Part 1”, J. Electrochem. Soc.151(2004)A739-A747

S.A. Khateeb, M. M. Farid, J. R. Selman, and S. Al-Hallaj, “Design and simulation of a lithium-ion battery with a phase change material thermal management system for an electric scooter”, J. Power Sources 128 (2004) 292-307

S. Al-Hallaj, F. Alasfour, S. Parekh, S. Amiruddin, J.R. Selman, and H. Ghezel-Ayagh, “Conceptual design of a novel hybrid fuel cell/desalination system”, Desalination164(2004) 19-31

S. Parekh, M.M. Farid, J.R. Selman and S. Al-Hallaj, “Solar desalination with a humidification-dehumidification technique – a comprehensive technical review”, Desalination 160 (2004) 167-186

A.M. Al-Qattan, D.J. Chmielewski, S. Al-Hallaj, and J. Robert Selman, “A novel design for solid oxide fuel cell stacks”, Chem. Eng. Sci. 59 (2004) 131-137

S.G. Hong and J.R. Selman, “Wetting Characteristics of Carbonate Melt under MCFC Operating Conditions”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 151 (2004) A77-A84

Y. Fukunaka, M. Ota, S. Izuo, K. Nishikawa, E. Kusaka, R. Ishii, and J. R. Selman, “Transient Natural Convection Induced by Electrodeposition of Li+ ion onto Lithium Metal Vertical Cathode in Propylene Carbonate”, J. Solid State Electrochemistry 8 (2004) 174-181

Y. Fukunaka, M. Ota, S. Izuo, K. Nishikawa, E. Kusaka, R. Ishii, and J.R. Selman, “Measurement of Concentration Boundary Layer Thickness Development during Lithium Electrodeposition onto a Lithium Metal Cathode in Propylene Carbonate”, J. Electroanal. Chem. 559 (2003) 175-183


M. Khaleel and J.R. Selman, “Stack and System Modelling” in “High-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Design and Applications” (S. Singhal and K. Kendall, Eds), Chapter 11, 293-331, Elsevier (2003)

K. Hemmes and J.R. Selman, “O2 Reduction at High Temperature: MCFC” in “Handbook of Fuel Cells” (W. Vielstich, A. Lamm, H.A. Gasteiger, Eds.), Vol. 2 (Electrocatalysis), Part 5, Section 39, 570-587, Wiley (2003)


“Fabrication of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Electrostatic Spray Deposition Synthesis", Invention Disclosure, IIT 165 (March 2003)

“Design of Hybrid Fuel Cell Desalination Systems”, U.S. Patent Application, Invention Disclosure, IIT 158 (January 2003)

“Novel Thermal Management of Battery Systems”, U.S. Patent 6,468,689 (Oct 22, 2002)


Electrochemical engineering of batteries and fuel cells

Electrode materials for batteries and high-temperature fuel cell electrodes