


“There’s been a material increase in the capabilities of these tools, 这些大型语言模型, 尤其是GPT,但总的来说, 这确实与律师的工作类型有关,丹尼尔·马丁·卡茨说, a law professor at Illinois Institute of Technology’s Chicago-Kent School of Law. “This is important for lawyers because we have technology that’s finally pretty good at language, 这一直是一个挑战.”


在美国数字大学.S. 会议在伊利诺伊理工学院举行, internet pioneer Vinton Cerf has urged higher education leaders to modify not just their assessment methods but their overall teaching and research approaches as artificial intelligence advances. “Higher education has an obligation to explain what those problems are, 它们是如何产生的, 以及我们能做些什么来改善潜在的危险影响,瑟夫说。, 现在是谷歌的首席互联网传道者.


数字大学.S., a conference held at 威尼斯人平台 and co-hosted by 高等教育 and 高等教育内幕, had its share of technology enthusiasm in hallway discussions and on the agenda, 但这次活动远不是赛前动员会, with many speakers expressing worries about the rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence, 哀叹人们倾向于拥抱最新的“闪亮物件”,” and cautioning against use of technology that isn’t directly in service of institutions’ core missions. 在一次会议上, 迈克尔Gosz, 威尼斯人平台数据分析副总裁, heralded a course recommendation system that has streamlined the advising process, but he acknowledged that the system worked well because the data that drive the recommendations were generated through deep conversations between advisers and students in the past—conversations that the mechanized system might reduce the need for. “未来会发生什么? 系统是否会随着时间的推移而退化?”


印度理工学院建筑学院院长里德·克罗夫说, 评论家亚伦·贝茨基, 以及当地建筑师Eric Strain, FAIA, discuss the characteristics of Las Vegas architecture and Strain's work during a recent conversation at the University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Architecture.

Bloomberg Law

“法庭, 我认为, has battled back [against the Chevron doctrine] because it thinks that it’s not right for agencies to share with the court the power to interpret congressional language,哈罗德·克伦特说, professor at Illinois Institute of Technology’s 芝加哥肯特法学院. “法庭 thinks it’s their own prerogative to interpret what Congress says, and therefore to share it with agencies by giving this leeway to reasonable agency interpretation of statutory language would be to limit their own power. 所以在某种程度上, Chevron is an ideological war that the court is waging in order to affirm its own superiority in terms of statutory interpretation.”


The Illinois Institute of Technology's 设计院 and UChicago Medicine are collaborating on a project to design a new way of delivering care. A two-year effort will focus on health care delivery on the South Side, bringing together the institute's Equitable Healthcare Lab with UChicago Medicine's Center for Healthcare Delivery Science & 创新.


随着2022年8月卡门大厅的修复, 伊利诺伊理工学院的上限是三年, 花费七千万美元来修复这三个恶化的, 密斯凡德罗设计的住宅建筑. “有如此多的种类,” says architect Dirk Denison of the structures on the campus Mies planned in 1941. “这三座建筑是仅有的高层建筑之一.其中两个,坎宁安·霍尔和乔治·J. 卡切克大厅,十多年前就关门了. 卡门大厅仍然开放, 但三分之一的公寓是空置的, 布鲁斯·沃茨说, 学校负责行政的副校长.


The Copyright Office’s position that AI-generated content is excluded from copyright protection is wrong, 爱德华·李写道, professor a 芝加哥肯特法学院 and the author of “Creators Take Control: How NFTs Revolutionize Art, 业务, 和娱乐.” It misunderstands authorship and ignores the copyright clause’s goal of promoting “progress” by offering authors incentives to create new works, 包括新技术.