请注意: This 变焦 webpage is being continually being updated so it contains the information most helpful to the 威尼斯人平台 community.


变焦 is a cloud-based video communications app that allows you to set up virtual video and audio conferencing, 在线研讨会, 在线聊天, 分享自己电脑屏幕, 以及其他合作威尼斯人平台.

One of the advantages that 变焦 offers is that instructors can schedule 变焦 meetings in their Blackboard course sites. 如欲了解更多,请按 在这里. 学生, to find out how you can best locate 变焦 sessions and recordings within Blackboard, 请点击 在这里.


变焦可以直接通过 变焦门户 或通过 访问威尼斯人平台.



在变焦门户中, 你可以设置你的个人资料, 包括您的个人会议ID, and configure your meeting preferences via the "Meeting Settings" tab. 在您访问了门户之后,您就可以 下载变焦 Client for Meetings软件 在您的台式机/笔记本电脑或其他设备上. 如果您是MAC用户,请遵循这些 提示 如何在MAC设备上安装软件.

You will notice that below the 变焦 Client for Meetings download button, 还有其他可能的插件, 扩展, 等. 那可能对你有帮助, 比如Outlook和Google Chrome, which will enable you to schedule 变焦 meetings directly from your calendar in either system/platform? Please feel free to download those add-ons as well, if you would find them useful.


Here are some links to useful resources to get you started on your 变焦 journey.


The 变焦 platform provides the user with access to a ‘Chatbot’ for 24/7 live chat support on how to use 变焦. 对于不太紧急的需要变焦技术支持的事情,您可以 打开一个缩放支持请求票 或致电1-888-799-9666(选择选项2)并输入您的10位数字 个人会议ID (PMI). 变焦在提供帮助之前需要您的PMI.

If your question is more of a technical nature, please contact the OTS Support Desk at supportdesk@sweetsnnuts.com 或致电312-567-3375(校园x7DESK).


Many of you may have heard about incidents of ‘变焦-bombing’ in which uninvited guests ‘break into’ meetings and create disturbances for attendees. 变焦 have taken steps to try to eliminate such interruptions by implementing certain security measures that include the following:

  • 会议需要密码. Meeting links will include an embedded passcode, so one-click joining will be possible.
  • The meeting organizer can utilize the 'waiting room’ feature through which participants must pass before being admitted into a meeting room.

Please do your part and refrain from sharing meeting links on any social media platform.


问:我怎么知道应该使用Google Meet还是变焦?

  • 这种选择与个人偏好有很大关系.
    • Google Meet对所有拥有Google Apps账户的用户都是内置的. Links are automatically added to Google Calendar meetings when you invite someone to join you in a meeting. With recent upgrades, up to 49 people can be seen on a meeting call (just like with 变焦).
    • At this time 变焦 software offers a bit more audio and video stabilization than Google Meet; Google Meet is loaded from a browser or mobile app rather than from separate software.
  • Google Meet does not have integration capabilities with Blackboard. In contrast, 变焦 meetings can be created within a Blackboard course site. 如欲了解更多,请按 在这里.


  • 首先,永远不要在社交媒体上发布会议链接. It may seem like a great way to get the word out and increase attendance, but it's not. 会议链接包含一个密码, so if an uninvited guest obtains the meeting link on an open platform, 你无意中给了他们一张参加你的会议的金票.
  • 你也可以使用变焦提供的“等候室”功能.


问:我已经有变焦许可证了. How will I be affected by IIT's 变焦 enterprise license being enabled?

  • You will receive an email notification informing you that the 变焦 enterprise license has been enabled, 其中包含如何访问您的帐户的说明. You will be asked to login to 变焦 using your 伊利诺伊州技术门户网站 credentials. As a holder of an existing license you (and any users you may have added to your account) will receive an email asking if you would like to merge accounts. You (and any users you added) will each need to agree to the merge in order to access the 变焦门户 for meetings. Once everyone has done so, the merger of the two licenses will be complete.

Q: I'm getting an error message when I try to use the 变焦 enterprise license and I don't know why. 为什么会这样??

  • Until everyone who has been added as a user to the previous 变焦 account has accepted the new 变焦 enterprise license, the license owner will immediately receive an error message when attempting to consolidate accounts. 如果有帮助的话, think of it this way - you have to completely close one door before you can open another.

问:我已经购买了变焦许可证. 我能拿回我的钱吗? 如果有,如何?

  • Yes, OTS negotiated the refunds as a part of the campus-wide licensing negotiations. 请提交缩放 支持请求单 取消您以前购买的许可证, and 变焦 will return a pro-rated portion of the cost of your license to you.


  • Licensing charges for your previous account should end on the date you agree to enable the IIT enterprise license, 在这一点上,两个帐户-旧的和新的-将合并. 如果您继续被收费,请提交一份 OTS服务台票,我们会协助你.


  • Any meetings that you may have scheduled under your previous 变焦 license will transition to IIT's new enterprise license, 除非 会议没有设置密码. 在这种情况下, you would need to reestablish the meeting with a passcode (and new URL link) under the new 变焦 license. 密码对于提供额外的安全层是必要的.

Q: Will completed meeting recordings transfer to the new 变焦 account?

  • Existing recordings that are associated with a particular user account will transfer to the user's account under IIT's enterprise license. The 技术事务处 is just merging existing 变焦 users into a new home account.


In addition to the three, above-mentioned types of support available from the 缩放帮助中心, if you need more technical assistance or have questions, please contact the OTS Support Desk at supportdesk@sweetsnnuts.com 或致电312-567-3375(校园x7DESK).